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Man walking in the woods bathed in sunlight

Here are some questions for you to answer, that will help lead to THE answer - - what Yahweh has put deep down on the inside of you, that He has created you for. Be honest with yourself! And do not rush getting to the answer for each question.

What brings you peace?

What makes you selfless?

What makes you draw closer to Him? To Yeshua?

What makes you grow as a person?

What brings you joy?

What unleashes a creative flow from you?

What makes your mind be at ease?

What brings simplicity?

What makes you breathe?

What makes you feel; mind, body and spirit, like you are living? Like you're alive?

What makes you feel wealthy in all areas of yourself?

What builds and helps shape your character?

What releases Kingdom through You?

The answer, is what you should do.

It is what you are called to do.

Therefore, RUN! Do NOT delay!!! Be ALL that Yahweh has called you to be.

The answer should have similar characteristics for those who have been searching for a long time, and can relate to this post. It should feel as though, you are filled with breath, everything has become clear, joy has met you, and peace has overwhelmed you. All of the chaos, all of the distractions, fall to the wayside; as you are ushered into a wide, vast and open space - - full, of His glory and majesty.

Know, and understand, that nothing; absolutely nothing, will satisfy you, as much as this.

Go!!! And do Not relent until everything He has seeded into you has come to fruition. As you walk with Him, it will all come to pass.

- - A Collection of Thoughts

(Picture provided via Wix.)

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