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Train Tracks

The order of the day has changed.

The Blood Moons were more than a beautiful cosmic phenomenon, they were a sign that something on a world - wide, global scale is now taking place that will change the course of History forever.

It is a loud 'heads up!' Everything is changing.

We see this all throughout history, of how something we thought was commonplace; something we thought would never change - - always be the way that we were all told when growing up - - become one of the first casualties of the new day.

This is something that is beginning to take shape, beginning to stir in our day.

Many say 'the days are strange, I don't know what is happening anymore...' There is a reason for this - - we have entered a new age, a new time, a new season; where much will take place.

This is NOT the time to be worried beyond belief, to be in despair or in fear; this is the time to laugh in the face of the enemy, because Yahweh has declared victory.

How can we laugh? Simple! We choose to see.

1800's Style Dressed Man and Woman

For example, in the 1800's; women all wore large dresses, and were covered all the way down to the soles of their feet. However, there was an evident change - - the width of their dresses changed over the course of a century, large and wide, to more fitted and slim. By the time we entered the 1900's, another phenomenon took place - - dresses that reached the ground and being loosely fitted, to miniskirts, pants and pencil skirts. This is a loose example to show great change happening over the course of a century.

Many in that era may have thought that at the end of the 1800's, the same fashions and structures of culture would continue onward generation after generation; some did not fully account that when hands pass torches to the next generations, new and different things will begin to take on another shape that is new and foreign to them. Some 'new' shapes would be worse, and some 'new' shapes would be for the better.

The ones that saw these new shapes at that time, prepared for it accordingly and was blessed exceedingly.

The same thing is taking place now; there will be those who see what Yahweh is doing, what is being birthed in this hour and this day, and will prepare for it.

Great blessings follow those who stand in agreement with what Yahweh has declared over His people, and where His heart posture is over every matter, situation or issue facing every people group on the face of the Earth today. This is especially so since the way He is moving is not what we are used to because He is birthing a 'New Thing' called the Kingdom of Heaven Mindset to implement His order - - Unconditional and Radical Love, Truth in Love, Deliverance, Strategies, Solutions, Healing, and much, much more.

Choose to perceive!

We are now in the teens of the 21st century, 2016. It is evident, that the last remnants of the previous century begin to come forward during the early parts of the next century; and this usually takes around 20 years for the 'new' to come about.


"18 Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by;19 I am doing something new; it’s springing up — can’t you see it?? ..."

- - Isaiah 43:18 - 19 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible)

Firecrackers, Railroads, Computers... all great inventions that helped bring about a new age; a new time for everyone on the face of the Earth.

This is what we are walking into; a new, a sudden, great change on a world - wide scale.

There will be people, new pioneers of this day and age, that will be given such inventions and innovations that will propel the world into a new day.

Base of a Pioneer's Station Wagon surrounded by a Beautiful and Mountainous Hillside

When many other inventors and innovators started, there were many people who thought they would not amount to anything, that they were lost, that they don't have what it takes, or some other label that was not who they truly are.

Yahweh has a sense of humor, indeed!

He uses the simple, to confound the wise - - and that is exactly what we are about to see.

He will use children, He will use those that society has cast out, He will even use those that some think will always be something negative.

He is preparing to astound!

He will not go to usual channels to do this; He will use what seems crazy, what seems 'out there', what doesn't make sense especially if there is a Greek mindset present (1).

Be prepared and know; that many changes are about to come to the forefront in the coming months. All of the stirring we see now, is a desperate enemy trying to quell or stop what He simply cannot stop - - a Third Great Awakening.

A brand new Era - - a Renaissance of Kingdom Creativity and Solutions, through the most unlikeliest of places.

Foot Bridge surrounded by lush trees

If you sense you are around a Pioneer, stop; ask Yahweh what is your part to assist them. Yahweh placed you near them for a reason, purpose and plan. Your part can be as simple as praying for them to succeed in what they are called to do, war with them against the many enemies sent their way or lend physical support as He shows you, or a combination of all 3, or something completely out of your comfort zone. Yahweh will have you do things that may offend your mind at this time, there is a reason for that when founded in Him. Let Yahweh lead you, and submit your thinking process to Him so you are rightly aligned in your boundaries and the Pioneer in theirs. He is doing something new in you by stretching your understanding of Him, therefore Rejoice in the process He is taking you through and Thank Him that you will be triumphant in finishing it by walking with Him in a new dimension you have never known before.

If you are a Pioneer, stop; ask Yahweh what your response to others in love should be, especially to those who truly do not understand what He is doing in and through you. Keep your eyes on Him; do not bend your knee to anyone or anything that is coming against what Yahweh has charged you to do - - be in obedience! Remember, obedience is better than sacrifice! Also, the Joy of the Lord is your strength; see to it that you joy in Him at all times, for the enemy will try to steal this by fear, intimidation, lies and jealousy. Maintain your Joy and Peace in Yahweh so you are purely and simply lead by Him to complete the task before you. The fruits of the spirit are a guide for you by Holy Spirit. Press on to the finish as Paul states, and give the enemy not one inch.

If you are both, stop; and seek Yahweh for direction and favor in His time.

The day is changing; it is swiftly approaching - - are you ready for it?

It will be wonderful, great, wildly beautiful, unimaginable, and sweet and simple yet vast and profound.

Be encouraged, the day; is changing.

- - A Collection of Thoughts

(Picture 1 Source: Wix, Picture 2 Source: Pixabay, Picture 3 Source: Pixabay, Picture 4 Source: Pixabay)

(1) A Time to Advance: Understanding the Significance of the Hebrew Tribes and Months by Chuck D. Pierce with Robert and Linda Heidler, Chapter 1, page 23. Copyright 2011, Published by Glory of Zion International, Inc.

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